Tandemworld eNewsletter for March 2014

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Tandemworld eNewsletter for January 2014


The Art of Planning

Gravic Celebrates 35th Anniversary!


Musings on NonStop! - March 2014

NonStop Technical Boot Camp 2014

comForte - Business is heading to the Cloud


Ban Bottlenecks®

Designing a Bottleneck!

Say Hello to XYPRO’s new Self Service Portal

comForte 21 strengthens its Application Modernization portfolio

High Performance Switching and Secure Data Storage

Where we are in the world...Join XYPRO at these upcoming Events in 2014

Protect-UX now available for NonStop OSS

comForte at events near you in 2014

XYPRO NonStop Security Fundamentals Top 10 List – #5

Casa Ley Upgrades to Opsol Integrators’ OmniPayments Transaction Authorization Switch

TIC LogWatch – Proactive Measure to Alert Application Issues

TANDsoft’s OPTA2000 Supports Daylight Saving Time Transitions

Availability Digest Introduces the Concept of Bitcoins and What Went Wrong at Mt. Gox

CSP on the Road!

Does your current payments application allow you to take advantage of HP's recently announced X86 based architecture?

Ascert Releases New Enhanced Version of its Interac Test Driver

Online Version

Current Subscribers 14927

 The art of planning

Last week, I was in Phoenix Arizona giving a talk on DRNet/OPEN to the DUST group. Before I jumped into the step by step details of our technology, I began with a story about a personal project I am working on.

I started on the Tandem back in 1979. For the first 25 years, I worked at a desk. I was either coding at a terminal or on the phone with my customers. I worked 80+ hours a week. I loved it but I got no exercise. I just got bigger.

Then I joined NTI. For the past 10 years I have worked at a desk, or on the phone, or I’ve sat in an airplane seat. Still 80+ hours a week. Still no exercise. Still getting bigger.

So recently I thought I would mix a little home repair into my week to get some exercise. I would force myself to get up from the desk and do something physical. At my home, I wanted to replace the grass lawn with a natural rock covering. It’s not a very big area, just 40x50 feet. This would be the beginning of the new physical me.

I made a logical step by step list for my project.

1.   I killed the grass with chemicals. Easy enough.

2.   I tilled and raked up the old lawn. The thatch made an impressive pile. With blisters on my hands, I carried on.

3.    I went online to find an app that would help me estimate how much rock I would need for cover. The answer was 350 bags of river rock. Not thinking things through (key point here) I went to the local DIY and scheduled the rock for delivery.

350 bags arrived on 7 palates. It took a big truck and a fork lift to deliver this much rock to the front of my drive. The delivery driver looked me over and grinned. Only then did I run the numbers. 350 bags at 60 pounds each means I have to lift, move, and spread 21,000 pounds of rock.

It’s too late. No turning back now. I have 7 palates of rock blocking access to my property with no help to move it. My first mistake was misjudging how much 40x50 feet really was. My first step in the planning process should have been to think it through.

How does this relate to DRNet/OPEN? Many years ago when we began working on the OPEN addition to DRNet, we began by thoroughly thinking it through. We decided to use more modern JAVA tools. We prototyped. We tested. We made sure our methods were sound before we began development. We selected XML and XSLT style sheets for the data description and transformation methods. We chose to use the JVM to give our software portability. We chose JDBC so our DB interfaces would be uniform. We thought about the long term issues of installation and support. We thought about data integrity and the high standards demanded of the Tandem. We thought it through before we jumped in. The result… fast, consistent, world class, and supportable across our install base.

DRNet® is world class NonStop Data Replication technology.

·       Real-time Active/Active Data Replication

·       Real-time Tandem to OPEN Data Replication

·       Real-time File Synchronization

·       Refreshingly Real-Time Support from Real Engineers



+1 614 794 6000


Gravic Celebrates 35th Anniversary!

Gravic celebrates its 35th anniversary this year! We have seen our share of business cycles over the past three and a half decades. Swings in the economy, stock market, inflation, regulation changes, IT analyst fads (remember case tools and “knowledge engineers”?), and even the price of oil were met as opportunities and not problems. We are a privately-held corporation located in Malvern, PA, about twenty miles west of Philadelphia, PA, USA. Customers of Shadowbase Total Replication Solutions of data replication and data integration products include banks, financial and brokerage firms, insurance companies, stock exchanges, electric utilities, healthcare, and telecommunications companies.

How do we measure our success? It is in making progress toward our core purpose of Improving Society Through Innovation. Our ability to improve society is manifest in the numerous industry-leading and household-name companies that rely on Shadowbase software to keep their data centers operational in the event of disasters that routinely put unprotected businesses into bankruptcy. Our core values, including honesty, integrity, and commitment, permeate all of our actions, both internally among employees, and externally with our customers. We are a humble company and temper our successes with the belief that we can do even better.

Gravic Publishes New White Paper on Big Data

Gravic recently published a new white paper: Shadowbase® Solutions in a Big Data World. A big data analytics system typically requires a large network of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of heterogeneous, purpose-built servers, each performing its own portion of the task. All of these systems must intercommunicate with each other in real-time, and integrate with high-speed, flexible, and reliable data distribution. The Shadowbase data replication engine performs this function, becoming the “glue” that binds these servers and data sharing in a big data analytics system. Shadowbase replication has the ability to rapidly and reliably reformat and transfer large amounts of data between heterogeneous databases and applications in real-time, thereby enabling it to play a major role in the big data explosion. In this white paper, we look at several technologies that interact together to extract valuable business information from the noise of big data, and the role that Shadowbase software solutions play to integrate these technologies.

Gravic Presents at SunTUG Sunshine Summit

Gravic recently attended and presented on Matching Your Business Continuity Solution to Your Business Risk at SunTUG in Tampa. Our presentation looked at the causes and consequences of prolonged downtime, and the various business continuity architectures which may be employed to minimize them. Focusing on real-time data replication, the pros and cons of asynchronous and synchronous replication technologies were discussed. To avoid risk and reduce downtime, you need to go beyond the reactive active/passive disaster recovery model and into the proactive sizzling-hot-standby or active/active models.

For more information, please visit: www.gravic.com/shadowbase. Interested parties may contact us at +1.610.647.6250 or SBProductManagement@gravic.com to discuss their specific situation and to learn more about the solutions we offer.

Please Visit Gravic at these Upcoming Spring Events

Please stop by Gravic’s booth or table at these upcoming tradeshows and meetings to speak with us about your data replication and data integration needs or just to say hello. We look forward to attending and presenting at the following events:


MENUG Inaugural Chapter Event, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 31 March

GTUG Conference & Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, 2-4 April

SATUG Conference & Tradeshow, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, 7-9 April

NENUG Spring Meeting, Andover, MA, 24 April

N2TUG Meeting, Dallas, TX, 8 May

HP Discover 2014, Las Vegas, NV, 10-12 June


 https://twitter.com/GravicSB  https://twitter.com/GravicSB


http://www.linkedin.com/company/gravic-inc./shadowbase-data-replication-305119/product  http://www.linkedin.com/company/gravic-inc./shadowbase-data-replication-305119/product

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gravic-Shadowbase/116969767814  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gravic-Shadowbase/116969767814


https://plus.google.com/b/117288516055822969721/117288516055822969721/posts https://plus.google.com/b/117288516055822969721/117288516055822969721/posts


Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.



Today, the task of building and maintaining IT systems is more complex than ever before. The need for business continuity, an increase in critical transactional links to other systems and personal privacy requirements, to name but a few, all place security into focus. This is all in an environment of increasing regulation by government and industry organisations.

Businesses now have to ensure that their investments in security are delivering on the promised protection of their IT environments. Does the business make best use of security products and services ? Does the business follow best practices ? Is exposure to risk minimised ?  

Customers are finding that a Security Review from an independent third party is now welcome before they are exposed to a searching Security Audit.

This is where BrightStrand International can help. We have skilled and experienced NonStop Security consultants who can undertake detailed Security Reviews to ratify that your security is sound or to identify situations where it can be improved. BrightStrand can then work with you to apply any necessary changes to meet today’s stringent Security standards.

BrightStrand continues to deliver a full range of services that include:


·       Systems and Operations Management

·       Performance and Tuning / Capacity Planning

·       Database Design and Administration

·       Communications Subsystems

·       Web Services

·       Security Reviews

·       IBM WebSphere MQ Series environments.

·       NonStop Integrity and Blade Migrations

·       System Healthchecks (Pre or Post-Migration)

·       Specialist Consultancy

·       Disaster Recovery and Service Continuity Planning

All, or some of these elements can be brought together in a Fully Managed Service that can be tailored to the particular needs of the customer – including remote bridging, hosting or operations support, adding further value to the BrightStrand quality services.

Call Dave Stewart today on +44 (0)7831 775115 or email him on dstewart@brightstrand.com for more information.


Musings on NonStop!

March, ‘14

The opinions expressed here are solely
those of the now self-employed author

 Spring is finally making its northern hemisphere presence felt. This weekend, Margo photographed the first bud emerging from one of our flowering trees and with temperatures climbing towards 70F (20C); life in general is looking up. There’s still considerable wind coming off the Rockies, and there’s a chance of snow in the forecasts, but overall, it’s finally looking like we are getting the chance to put the extreme winter cold behind us. We don’t need to check our calendars to know that shortly, there will be lawns to mow.

I don’t why we hold onto traditions of the past as we do, but with spring comes spring-cleaning. There’s no real logic any longer to view one time of the year better than others to spruce-up our homes – few of us have to deal with coal-fired heating and with chimneys needing sweeping; it’s been many years since the weather influenced whether or not we washed our clothes but no matter, the thought of changes coming with the change of season still resonates with many of us. The slow pace of life during winter often meant we didn’t put everything away as we should and are surprised when we do to see shiny objects revealed. And yet, as we turn the pages of the calendar, we realize there are rituals we cannot escape as we welcome the season’s changes.

When it comes to technology in general, and the NonStop community specifically, calendars seem to be driven by external events – Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, Easter, etc. when transaction volumes may spike unexplainably. At other times, depending upon the industry and associations we are part of, there may even be times when our applications are locked-down with changes deferred to later dates. However, we don’t need to check the calendar to clarify the changes taking place with NonStop nor do we need to pull away the debris of winter to reveal a shiny new platform.  NonStop is undergoing numerous significant changes that will redefine its future. Much of which is being influenced by what is transpiring inside the data center.

This week, appearing in the Australian newsletter, Rust Report, (authored by former IDC VP, Len Rust), was the editorial Web-scale IT approach will be operating in half of global enterprises by 2017.  “By 2017, Web-scale IT will be an architectural approach found operating in 50 percent of global enterprises, up from less than 10 percent in 2013, according to Gartner, Inc.,” wrote Rust. “Web-scale IT is a pattern of global-class computing that delivers the capabilities of large cloud service providers within an enterprise IT setting by rethinking positions across several dimensions.”  Catching my attention was the line, “Web-scale IT - delivers the capabilities of large cloud service providers within an enterprise IT setting”. Cut and paste the link to read more:


What exactly is web-scale IT?  Rust then quotes Cameron Haight, research vice president at Gartner, “Web-scale IT looks to change the IT value chain in a systemic fashion. Data centers are designed with an industrial engineering perspective that looks for every opportunity to reduce cost and waste. This goes beyond redesigning facilities to be more energy efficient to also include in-house design of key hardware components such as servers, storage and networks. Web-oriented architectures allow developers to build very flexible and resilient systems that recover from failure more quickly”.

According to Gartner’s Haight, “Large cloud services providers such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc., are reinventing the way in which IT services can be delivered.  Their capabilities go beyond scale in terms of sheer size to also include scale as it pertains to speed and agility. If enterprises want to keep pace, then they need to emulate the architectures, processes and practices of these exemplary cloud providers”.  Simplifying this message it looks as though architectures influenced by the web are allowing developers build stronger systems that can recover from failure and that enterprise IT needs to follow suit just to stay relevant.
In last month’s Musings on NonStop I wrote of my wishes for NonStop. At one point, I observed how going down its path, NonStop has gradually morphed into a software offering and has pulled this off with no lessening of its key attributes – availability, scalability, and data integrity / securability. The path was a reference to the exploitation of commodity hardware (something definitely influenced by web-oriented architectures) and the subsequent acknowledgment was over how successfully (and indeed timely) NonStop has crossed over into being a software solution.  And it will mesh nicely with the ambitions of forward-thinking CIO’s looking to leverage web-oriented architectures.

The changes we are seeing made to NonStop – better support of commodity chips (with the plans to support Intel x86 architecture), as well as greatly improved support of languages including Java, and tools and services including MQ messaging as well as open system and network management – even as it is elevated to being a software offering means that more CIOs will be able to introduce NonStop into their data centers and embrace it as part of their web-oriented architecture.

Far-fetched, and a little out there? I don’t think so, and let me explain why. As NonStop transitions to being a software product offering, any residual hesitancy about any proprietary perceptions over NonStop will disappear. It runs on x86? Sure – it’s open and the HP blades supporting NonStop will be the same as those supporting Linux and Windows. Cool! But wait, there’s more. NonStop runs on x86, but TS/MP (Pathway) now supports instances of server classes running on these various platforms.  Cut and paste the link to read more:

http://itug-connection.blogspot.com/2011/08/guardianangel-nonstop-revels-in-clouds.html ... And check the comments posted.

The day will surely come where a shared-infrastructure blades system running x86 blades will have NonStop in there running somewhere and will bring to this definitely web-oriented architecture the wherewithal that allows developers to build very flexible and resilient systems that recover from failure more quickly via out of the box, standard solutions. It’s 2014 but check your calendars as this is coming together a lot faster than many in industry recognize and part of my message this year will be focused on educating everyone I come into contact with about the value proposition this represents. Web-oriented architecture, an approach found operating in 50 percent of global enterprises by 2017 (3 years’ time), with the requirement for developers to build very flexible and resilient systems that recover from failure – and ignoring an out of the box solution such as NonStop? I don’t think so!

And with that prediction in writing, there’s not a whole lot more I can add at this point – check back with me this time next year. Yes, certainly, mark that on your calendars!

Richard Buckle
Founder and CEO
Pyalla Technologies, LLC
Email:             richard@pyalla-technologies.com

Following my blogs? My web publications? My discussion Groups?

Check out (copy and paste to your browser):

Real Time View at http://www.itug-connection.blogspot.com/

…. And check out the Group on LinkedIn, Real Time View

comForte Lounge at http://comfortelounge.blogspot.com/

…. And check out the Group on LinkedIn, comForte Lounge

Realtime.ir at http://realtime.ir.com/

…. And check out the Group on LinkedIn, realtime.ir


buckle-up at http://www.buckle-up-travel.blogspot.com/

…. And check out the SubGroup on LinkedIn, Pyalla Track Days


NonStop Technical Boot Camp 2014


Registration is open!  https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/?eventid=1496544

(FYI – Hotel rooms at Hayes Mansion are limited, so make your reservation now!)

These 25 NonStop Partners have committed to exhibiting at the Boot Camp!



BlackWood Systems

Canam Software

Carr Scott





HP Services

Integrated Research

Lusis Payments

Network Concepts

Network Technologies




Resource 1


Third Data


Tributary Systems

Voltage Security





Did you see all the Partners you want to talk with?  Please take this short, anonymous survey to help us plan for a fantastic NonStop Event:


The Partner SIG looks forward to reuniting with Customers and HP this fall!


Kathy Wood

NonStop Partner SIG/Vendor Chair





comForte - Business is heading to the Cloud


Cloud Computing is everywhere these days and it does not stop at NonStop. Are you wondering how to make use of Cloud technology in your HP NonStop system environment? Is your CXO talking about 'everything is Cloud from now on'? How can you bring NonStop into play?


Click HERE to read the Opinion Paper 'Business is heading to the cloud' written by Richard Buckle, CEO of Pyalla-Technologies.


The Opinion Paper looks at

·        HP NonStop and the Cloud

·        Cloud bursting with maRunga

·        Application modernization into the Cloud with CSL

·        Use cases for Cloud Computing and HP NonStop systems


Also on this topic, READ Thomas Burg's and Vadym Shkil's The Connection article 'Cloud-enabling NonStop systems: Why you should care'. In this article, the use cases mentioned above are discussed in more detail and comForte's cloud demo is highlighted.



Ban Bottlenecks®

Designing a Bottleneck!

Some people work hard to design bottlenecks into their system. Not intentionally, of course, but sometimes very effectively.  We saw such a situation just recently, and it will be work for the client to fix it.

How do you design a bottleneck into an application?  There are lots of ways:

·        Make a single-file non-partitionable so it’s stuck on a single disk.

·        Make a single key non-partitionable so it’s stuck on a single disk.

·        Make a server process non-replicate-able, perhaps by allowing it to hold context.

·        Set a lock on a directory or subvolume while the process is working in it.

·        Set a lock on a file or table while the process is working it.

·        Set a lock in shared memory while a process is working.


How do find such a situation?  Ban Bottlenecks! We are excellent in discovering bottlenecks and showing how they can be fixed.

Contact us for a free proof of concept!





Say Hello to XYPRO’s new Self Service Portal

XYPRO has always believed in the power of customer service.  Staying true to our nature, on March 11th we officially launched the Self-Service Customer Support portal. In an age of instant answers, the Self-Service portal gives our customers a way to quickly find answers to some of the most common XYGATE and NonStop questions. As of this posting, our customers are already signing on to benefit from the ability to independently view and manage their XYPRO support cases.

The goal of the portal is to provide our customers with control over their XYPRO support experience. From opening and managing cases, to browsing knowledgebase articles, to obtaining software and documentation updates, to the many more benefits to come, the portal is geared for empowering you, our customer, with the very same tools our own agents use to answer your support questions. While we will continue to support some of the traditional support handling processes such as telephone and email; we are excited about the valuable addition of the web portal to the customer support process. This provides yet another option for our customers to interact with our support team, 24x7x365.


Click here to continue reading ....

Stay Connected with XYPRO

LinkedIn Group


comForte 21 strengthens its Application Modernization portfolio


comForte 21, a global provider of connectivity, middleware, modernization and security solutions for the HP NonStop platform, announced recently that it has completed the acquisition of the Escort suite of products from CarrScott Software Inc. comForte’s acquisition of Escort SQL, Journaling, and RANGER expands the worldwide marketing and support reach of these products by the NonStop experts at comForte.


comForte has traditionally been strong in the security and terminal emulation space. In the past few years, comForte was focused on building up other types of products and services for HP NonStop as well. What was missing in the past was anything to do with databases, but that has changed with the addition of the Escort SQL suite to comForte's product portfolio.


comForte can now help organizations to modernize from the ground-up, meaning databases and middleware; but also from the user-in, which is the user interface side of the application.


By giving NonStop users direct access to a real industry-standard database, they can fundamentally change how the applications manage and exchange data.

At a middleware layer, comForte's Client Server Link (CSL) solution enables organizations to better integrate HP NonStop systems with other platforms in the wider enterprise through the use of modern standards and protocols like web services and SOAP, RSC and the use of a variety of API's.


Last but not least, at a GUI level, with JPath customers can convert the traditional green screens into 21st century Windows-type screens making the GUI a lot more usable, efficient and user-friendly.


Surveys show that a high percentage of IT departments around the world would happily embark on modernizing their legacy applications if only they could somehow significantly lower the risk of application modernization. comForte is now in a unique position to help organization to do exactly that - reduce the risk of application modernization with the help of comForte's solutions.


Third Data Corporation

High Performance Switching and Secure Data Storage

888-301-2431 / sales@thirddata.com

                Third Data Corporation provides numerous products which can reside on HP Nonstop and other HP and Non-HP  hardware platforms. In addition we provide custom high performance software design and development for our clients.

FastBuild Switch – When building a switch be it ATM-POS, Wire Transfer, EFT, Medical, or any other type of data that needs to get from one place to another, you are usually faced with three choices. Take an existing package and modify your system to match it. Get the vendor to “enhance” their system to meet your needs. Write a new system from scratch. The FastBuild Switch integrates with your existing system, or if you are building from scratch gives you a great start. The switch is also built around the latest HP technology to maximize performance. It integrates several of our other products to maximize cost savings and security in a fault tolerant manner. In a cross platform environment it also runs on other non-Guardian HP supplied platforms.

SecureStore – If you are security conscience trying to become compliant (PCI, HIPAA, etc) then you know that you can not leave sensitive data readily viewable. SecureStore does three things for you. The data is encrypted so that you can become compliant. The data is compressed so that your hardware costs are reduced. As part of disaster recovery your data is sent to multiple locations so it will be available when you need it. As a bonus for those having trouble with Guardian 4K limits there is no record size. It supports Big Data with up to 18 Exabytes. It can also integrate with SQL systems (SQL MX/MP, Oracle, Postgres etc)

NxLib – NxLib provides a platform and utility libraries for developing a high performance multi-threaded applications on NonStop Guardian. The platform provides threading, queuing and network capabilities. This enables development of an application written single threaded style to perform as multi-threaded.   Extensible command processing and help are supported.  Development time can be cut to a fraction of the time it would normally take.  This results in fast  application development with consistent look and feel across multiple projects.

NxWeb – A high performance web server which provides support for NxLib applications.  It also can be used without NxLib.  It provides for secure connections, virtual domains, full http support and interfaces to pathway and IPC communications.

NxFile+ – NxFile+ provides compression and encryption to Enscribe structured files.  The files are configured through a GUI interface and the results are provided seamlessly to your applications, typically without any code changes.  In addition this provides for dynamic key changes on the fly so data stored at-rest may have its encryption keys changed as required.  Because the records can be compressed prior to encryption, it’s also possible to have records which significantly exceed the 4k record size limitations.

NxSSL – NxSSL is an SSL proxy which may be used to provide SSL encryption and authentication services to TCP/IP connections.  It provides full support for certificates and multiple encryption standards.  It has been carefully tuned to provide the highest performance available for any NonStop SSL connection.

NxUndelete – Files accidentally deleted can be a real problem.  Even when a backup is available, it is frequently a significant effort to retrieve it from a backup tape.  NxUndelete implements a recycle bin function on the the HP NonStop system.  Files deleted may be easily recovered using its GUI interface.


Where we are in The World...

Join XYPRO at these upcoming Events in 2014


March 31st, 2014
Dubai, UAE

April 2-4, 2014
Hamburg, Germany


April 7-9, 2014
Gauteng, South Africa

ACI Exchange EMEA
May 13-16, 2014
Lisbon, Portugal


ACI Annual User Group Conference
June 3-6, 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah



HP Discover
June 10-12, 2014
Las Vegas, NV,


PCI SSC North American
Community Meeting

September 10-11, 2014
Orlando, Florida



PCI SSC European
Community Meeting
October 8-9, 2014
Berlin, Germany

HP NonStop Technical
November 16-19, 2014
San Jose, CA
PCI SSC Asia Pacific
Community Meeting

November 18-19, 2014
Sydney, Australia


Stay Connected with XYPRO

LinkedIn Group



Protect-UX now available for NonStop OSS

Computer Security Products Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Protect-UX, an innovative access governance solution for Linux, Solaris and HP Nonstop OSS systems.

Protect-UX provides policy-based management for file permissions, procedures and tools to discover, review and correct common issues and problems, such as orphan files.

With full audit and delegated use of the root user account, Protect-UX can manage multiple systems from a single point, allowing for policies and procedures to be standardized across multiple systems on various platforms.

To learn more about out how Protect-UX can help you enhance your security and compliance, visit us at www.protect-ux.com.


comForte at events near you in 2014


Join us at these events:



31 Mar 2014

Dubai, UAE

European GTUG

2-4 Apr 2014

Hamburg, Germany


7-9 April 2014

Johannesburg, South Africa

NENUG Spring Meeting

24 April 2014

Andover, MA, USA


8 May 2014

Dallas, TX, USA


22 May 2014

Helsinki, Finland

HP Discover 2014

10-12 June

Las Vegas


9-10 Sept 2014

Stockholm, Sweden

PCI Community Meeting, North America

9-11 Sept 2014

Orlando, FL, USA

EBUG Knowledge Forum

29-30 Sept 2014

London, UK

PCI Community Meeting, Europe

7-9 Oct 2014

Berlin, Germany

CONNECT Advanced Technical Boot Camp

16-19 Nov 2014

San Jose, USA

PCI Community Meeting, Asia Pacific

19 Nov 2014

Sydney, Australia




And there is more, join the security discussion in the HP NonStop [Tandem] Security Group on LinkedIn.


Last but not least, follow us on ...

comForteLounge BlogSpot

comForteLounge LinkedIn Group

comForteLounge Twitter

comForte on YouTube


XYPRO NonStop Security Fundamentals Top 10 List – #5


Because high-availability and fault-tolerant systems need strong security

Okay, so now we’re to the top five items on our list—items #6 to #10 are posted on XYPRO’s
Website and LinkedIn page. 


Throughout the earlier items on our Top 10 List, the concept of access control came up rather frequently (either directly or indirectly), so let’s focus a bit more on it. As described in XYPRO’s HP NonStop Server Security Handbook, “Access Control is the whole array of tools and procedures used to limit, control, and monitor access to information and utilities. Access control is based on a user’s identity and membership in predefined groups. Access control makes it possible to control the use, availability, integrity, and confidentiality of objects and information on the HP NonStop Server.”


Clearly, access management is very important. However, it can be a daunting challenge to individually manage all the various access privileges for every user. The effectiveness of even an excellent security access management plan can be weakened when its corresponding administrative overhead is too high. With this in mind, we come to the #5 NonStop Security Fundamental:

#5: Strengthen access management with role-based access control (RBAC)


Role-based access control (RBAC) is a security approach in which system access and permission rights are grouped according to user roles and then individual users are assigned to a role. The security system then makes access decisions according to the user’s role.


The idea here is quite simple: using role-based access can reduce management overhead and facilitate the implementation and enforcement of standardized access rules—all of which strengthens security access management.

Click here to continue reading the rest of the article...


Stay tuned to the XYPRO blog site—next up on our list is NonStop Security Fundamental #4. Also, get notified automatically when new XYPRO blogs come out by following XYPRO on LinkedIn or Twitter.


 Casa Ley Upgrades to Opsol Integrators’ OmniPayments Transaction Authorization Switch


Casa Ley is one of Mexico’s largest, privately held grocery store chains. It operates almost 200 supermarkets that serve over forty cities in Mexico. The retailer’s multipurpose point-of-sale (POS) terminals, owned and managed by Casa Ley, offer many services to customers. In addition to enabling in-store purchases via credit cards and debit cards, customers also can top off cell-phone minutes, make bank deposits, and pay bills – all accomplished at the cash register. Key to making such services available is Opsol Integrators’ OmniPayments Transaction Authorization Switch. 

In the Casa Ley configuration, two OmniPayments HP NonStop servers are configured as an active/active system. One server is located at the retailer’s Mexican headquarters, and the other server is in a remote location some 500 miles away. Both servers are actively processing transactions, and the transaction load is normally split between them. Should one server fail, all transactions are immediately routed to the surviving server, thus ensuring the availability of transaction authorization services to Casa Ley stores.

Each NonStop server is responsible for authorizing the transactions routed to it. Each sends its transaction requests to the appropriate issuing bank via either the PROSA or E-Global transaction authorization network and returns the responses to the POS terminals that originated them.

Both servers log their own transaction activities. However, to ensure the durability of transactions in the event of a server failure, the transaction logs on the two servers are synchronized via bidirectional data replication. Whenever a transaction is entered into the transaction log of one server, it is immediately replicated to the transaction log of the other server. Thus, each server has a record of all transactions made by both servers. This replication is performed directly by OmniPayments – no third-party data-replication engine is required.

In addition to rapid failover responses to outages, Casa Ley’s OmniPayments solution provides PCI-DSS compliance; a positive customer experience via standardized, efficient procedures at the POS terminals; industry-standard communication protocols; and significantly reduced licensing costs because Opsol’s pricing model is based not on transaction rates but instead on the number of NonStop processors used in the OmniPayments servers. 

A detailed article about Casa Ley’s OmniPayments installation can be found at http://bit.ly/1hUMMM0.

With successful implementations at many customer sites, OmniPayments is just one member of the Opsol family of solutions for the financial industry. Opsol Integrators specializes in NonStop mission-critical applications and offers customers all the requisite functionality to manage credit/debit-card transactions. Based on SOA architecture, OmniPayments is easily expandable to provide additional functionality when needed.

OmniPayments supplies complete security functions for every financial transaction that it handles, including encryption-at-rest and encryption-in-flight. Available around the clock, OmniPayments will survive any single fault, requires no downtime for maintenance or upgrades, and supports a range of disaster-recovery solutions. For further information, visit www.omnipayments.com. You can contact Yash Kapadia at +1 408-446-9274 or at yash@omnipayments.com.

Opsol will exhibit at NonStop Hotspot, a NonStop-specific IT event co-sponsored by GTUG and Connect, in Hamburg, Germany, from April 2nd through April 4th.

TIC LogWatch – Proactive Measure to Alert Application Issues

Most NonStop sites have operational procedures to check the health of the system using different  monitoring tools. The focus is usually on answering questions like : Is the hardware up?  Are all the devices too busy? Does the CPU utilization look normal?  

But application monitoring is an area that's usually overlooked. For example, how do you know if your applications are running okay? They may be up be up and running, but do you know  if your iTP Web Server or Java programs have encountered a problem? Just because no one has reported an issue (yet) doesn’t mean that there is no problem!  If you wait for user to call to learn about a problem, that is usually too late.

If you don’t have the procedure or the tool to monitor your applications, then you run the potential risk of extended down time when a problem occurs. Learn more about how LogWatch helps you mitigate this risky exposure by monitoring your OSS and Guardian application logs. READ BLOG

For more information about Logwatch contact sales-support@ticsoftware.com
Phil Ly
TIC Software

Read TIC blog: www.ticsoftware.com/blog

TANDsoft’s OPTA2000 Supports Daylight Saving Time Transitions

Daylight Saving Time (DST) snuck up on some attendees at the recent SunTUG Summit in Tampa, Florida USA. The transition to “Spring Forward” took place on Sunday, March 9th, when much of the United States remained entrenched in a bitterly cold winter. That was the day that those attendees who participated in SunTUG’s Saturday golf tournament were set to return home, and some almost missed their flights because they failed to move their clocks forward. Fortunately for companies whose businesses count on seamless DST transitions, TANDsoft’s OPTA2000 successfully addresses the challenges faced by time-sensitive, globally distributed applications running in a consolidated processing environment with a single system clock.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a common system by which time is advanced one hour from standard, typically to extend daylight hours during conventional waking times (usually in the summer). Some parts of the world recognize DST; others do not. Of those that do, DST does not always occur on the same dates. In the Northern Hemisphere in 2014, Daylight Saving Time began in the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere on March 9th, in Europe and the U.K. on March 30th, in Mexico on April 6th, and in Greenland on March 29th. Companies running applications instances in multiple time zones but on the same centrally located server must be aware not only of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) offsets but also of the standard time/Daylight Saving Time transition schedules required for those parts of the world. That is where OPTA2000 comes in.

OPTA2000 is a virtual clock and time-zone simulator that is user-friendly, easily installed, cost-effective, and requires no application modifications. It uses intercept technology to allow multiple applications operating in a consolidated environment to each have its own virtual system clock or to function in its own virtual time zone with date/time specifications (including DST transitions) that are different than that of the system clock. For time-zone simulation, virtual times are offset from a system’s actual time by an amount expressed as a deviation from GMT time. For clock simulation, the virtual times can be offset to whatever time is required for the testing, maintenance, etc., of an application. With OPTA2000, a single system can host thousands of applications.

OPTA2000 supports all applications (user, HP, and major third-party apps, including BASE24) on the HP BladeSystem as well as on NonStop S-Series and Itanium servers. It also supports a wide variety of NonStop subsystems, including TACL, NetBatch, EMS, Enform, Spooler, OSS, VHS, FTP, and Pathway.

TANDsoft’s “best of breed, best in price” philosophy offers highly competitive value for all TANDsoft solutions. In addition to OPTA2000, they include FileSync for automatic file synchronization, replication, and data deduplication; the OPTA suite of interception and trace utilities (OPTA­Trace Online Process Tracer and Analyzer, Recycle Bin, EMS Alerts Online Startup and Termination Capture Utility, Low Pin Optimizer); Stack Monitor, which alerts developers to the impending threat of a stack overflow; Command Stream Replicator, which logs and automatically replicates TMF-audited/unaudited FUP, SQL/MP and SQL/MX DDL structure and other environment changes to target systems; AutoLib, which automatically loads a user library or a DLL for executing processes; the Enscribe-2-SQL and TMF-Audit Toolkits and the new Enscribe-2-SQL Data Replicator, all of which offer flexible, affordable alternatives to more expensive conversion products or manual conversion techniques; E2S-Lite, which permits efficient, low-cost Enscribe modifications without the need to change a program’s source code; and SDI (Sensitive Data Intercept) for Enscribe and SQL/MP.

TANDsoft products require no application source-code modifications, are available for all HP NonStop servers, and support major third-party applications. Free trials are available. Visit www.tandsoft.com, or contact Jack Di Giacomo at +1 (514) 695-2234. Our Enscribe to SQL Migration Forum on LinkedIn is at 184 members and counting.


Availability Digest Introduces the Concept of Bitcoins and What Went Wrong at Mt. Gox

If you had purchased $1,000 USD worth of bitcoins in early 2011, that investment now would be valued at $2,000,000 USD – a 2,000:1 increase. During this period, bitcoins appreciated from $0.30 to $600 USD each (with a peak price breaking $1,000 USD).  You, the investor, would have made a bundle…unless, of course, you lost it all to hackers.  This new Availability Digest article introduces the concept of bitcoins and other digital currencies.  The article describes different bitcoin wallets, bitcoin exchanges, the liquidity of digital currencies, and their volatility. “Mt. Gox, Largest Bitcoin Exchange, Goes Belly Up” examines the founding of Mt. Gox in 2010, its meteoric rise to prominence, and its rapid demise at the hand of skilled hackers.  Buyer beware. 

Other Digest articles in our March issue:      

911 Systems Experience Unacceptable Availability – Most emergency call operations depend upon computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems. Statistics indicate that too many of these systems are not meeting critical uptime requirements. Availability at times is, at best, dismal, and leads to hours of downtime per year. Classic high-availability approaches, e.g., clusters, as well as newer virtualized systems and cloud deployments, are missing the mark by a wide margin.  What is the solution?  

Introduction to HP Serviceguard Clusters – HP Master Architect Harish Karnath introduces HP Serviceguard Clusters and how their Shared-Nothing approach to cluster technology can maximize uptime, provide high performance, and satisfy the high-availability requirements of many organizations.

@availabilitydig – The Twitter Feed of Outages - This article highlights some of the @availabilitydig tweets that made headlines in recent days. If you currently are not following @availabilitydig, consider making our Twitter presence a daily read.    

The Availability Digest offers one-day and multi-day seminars on High Availability: Concepts and Practices. Seminars are given both onsite and online and are tailored to an organization’s specific needs.  We also offer technical and marketing writing services as well as consulting services for achieving high availability. 

Published monthly, the Digest is free and lives at www.availabilitydigest.com.  Please visit our Continuous Availability Forum on LinkedIn.  We’re at 618 members and counting. Follow us on Twitter @availabilitydig.   


CSP on the Road!

CSP looks forward to seeing you at two upcoming Nonstop user conferences:


MENUG March 31st  , Dubai, UAE

Visit our booth and join us for our presentation:

“Take control: Change Management for Nonstop systems”


GTUG April 2nd – 4th , Hamburg, Germany

CSP is pleased to be a platinum sponsor of the main NonStop event in Europe for 2014 . We will be giving two presentations:


“Take control: Change Management for Nonstop systems”

“Protect-UX – Data Governance on HP Nonstop OSS and Linux systems”


Please plan on making these presentations part of your conference agenda


Does your current payments application allow you to take advantage of HP's recently announced X86 based architecture?

Tell us what you think! Our industry poll provides an opportunity for us to facilitate an open forum and for you to provide accurate feedback regarding key industry topics.

Take a brief second to fill out our industry poll questions on HP's recently announced X86 base architecture  (http://www.lusispayments.com/polls/x86-poll) then view our previous industry relevant poll results.

We'll reveal the results of our poll in next month's Tandemworld.

For more information contact Brian Miller at brian.miller@lusispayments.com.

Lusis Payments, North America

Brian Miller

(415) 829-4577


San Francisco, CA

Ascert Releases New Enhanced Version of its Interac Test Driver

Ascert enhances its Interac driver to enable for testing of contactless payments.

Sausalito, California, USA, March 26, 2014

Ascert, an innovator in testing software technologies, continues to expand its certification and testing capabilities to meet changing payment technologies. As a testing provider for many financial institutions in Canada, Ascert has a long history of providing test and certification capabilities for the Interac exchange. The company recently released a new version of its VersaTest software to aid in testing contactless transactions.

First in use in 1997, contactless cards have continued to grow in usage and popularity. The contactless card contains a small radio frequency antenna and microchip inside that allows a transaction to be processed without having to enter a personal identification number or sign a receipt. Contactless technology is part of the Interac Flash debit card technology allowing users to make a payment instantly by holding the card up to a supporting card reader.

Utilizing the easy to use VersaTest interface, the enhancements to Ascert’s Interac Driver allow financial institutions to conduct testing of contactless card processing in an offline environment. The Ascert Interac Driver is used to test a variety of transaction operations and scenarios, including fraudulent use. The comprehensive testing capabilities allow users of the software to ensure that updates to card processing applications occur in an error-free fashion.

Used by QA testing and development groups in the payments industry for over 20 years to ensure the efficacy of transaction messaging, Ascert continues to lead the evolution of testing, utilizing the latest in market technologies. To find out more about Ascert’s testing technologies, or the Ascert Interac Driver, visit the Ascert Web Site or call one of the local Ascert offices.

About Ascert:

Ascert is recognized as a leading provider of premier testing software solutions. Ascert was founded in 1992 to provide automated software testing solutions that help companies measure the performance, reliability and scalability of their mission-critical back-end servers and applications. With over 100 clients worldwide, Ascert's products and services are used at some of the world's most successful companies. Off-the-shelf simulators include solutions for EFT testing, POS testing, ATM testing, Fraud testing, IFX testing, EMV/chip card testing, ISO8583 testing and 3270 & 6530 terminal testing. Ascert’s custom simulators have been used for testing air traffic control systems and biometric payment systems. Ascert's products assist testing professionals across industry segments to better manage their testing processes and environments through an end-to-end tool set.


For inquiries in the America’s and Asia-Pacific:
Richard B. Greene
Ascert, LLC
759 Bridgeway
Sausalito, CA 94965, USA
Telephone: 1-415-339-8500
Toll Free:1-877-ASCERT-IT

Fax: 1-415-339-8501
E-mail: info@ascert.com


For inquiries in Europe, Middle East, and Africa: 
Mike Wainwright
Ascert, Limited
63 Mansell Street
London, E1 8AN, England
Telephone: +44 (20) 7488 3470
Fax: +44 (20) 7488 3477
E-mail: ukinfo@ascert.com



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