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April System Design was founded in April 1989 to develop advanced networking products for LAN, WAN, the Internet and mobile networks.

April has developed several successful products all recognized by ease of installation and use, innovation and outstanding value for money. The April products are used in more than 65 countries and more than 1 700 000 licenses have been sold to date.

Fusion95 (April System Design)


Himalaya File and Printer Server for Windows workstations.

f95 overview


Installed at Banks and Financial services companies as well as systems for Stock Exchange market.

Quick and easy installation

A quick and easy installation connects Himalaya to your LAN in less than 10 minutes. No changes to your existing network. If you already have an RFC-TCP/IP network, for example as provided with Windows workstations, then a Himalaya machine running Fusion95 can be added to your network without you needing to change any server or workstation. Just plug in Fusion95, and all existing users can immediately access Himalaya applications and resources.

Simple configuration from Windows or Himalaya

Fusion95 provides easy to use configuration utilities that can either run in Windows or in the Himalaya system. This allows the administrator to configure Fusion95 from anywhere in the LAN or even across a WAN. The Windows based administration program shows graphically all the Fusion95 servers in the network. The administrator can view, add, change or delete disk and printer resources as well as users. It is possible to restrict administration from Windows to certain users, or to require special password authentication. It is also possible to restrict administration read and update rights for specific Fusion95 machines.

Enhanced Guardian File Support!

Version 6, available now, have full support for manipulating Edit (101) and C Data (180) files, in addition to existing support for unstructured files in the Guardian file system and all files in the OSS environment. This makes the Guardian environment as easy as the OSS environment with Fusion95, a great enhancement for developers and other users.

With Fusion95 also comes AniTa, a Windows Terminal Emulator with automatic revamping features.

Supports enhanced SMB and CIFS protocols

The enhanced SMB and CIFS protocols are supported to provide additional features especially in conjunction with Microsoft's Windows95/98/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP. This includes: Support for long filenames. Support of user authentication via passthrough to a Windows Domain Controller or locally via User-Level or Share-Level security. Supports dynamic use of shared resources (e.g. \\SERVER\DISK\DIRECTORY\FILE.EXT). "Big buffer" support uses 64KB blocks for best performance. Shared disk resources can be configured as read-only.


Revolutionary new trigger-technology allows Himalaya applications to monitor, filter and change server actions when a user accesses disks and files. Specific actions can be configured to trigger when specific events occur. For example:

  • An application unique authorization check can be triggered when a PC user maps a specific Fusion95 shared disk.
  • The contents of a Himalaya file can be updated immediately by a Himalaya application when a PC user attempts to open it via a Fusion95 shared disk.

Features and Benefits

  • Use programs such as Windows Explorer to browse the NonStop Himalaya file system.
  • Read and write access to NonStop Himalaya files from Windows applications without separate upload or download of the files.
  • Read and write access to Guardian Edit (101), C Data (180) and Unstructured files.
  • Read and write access to all OSS files.
  • Uses native Guardian NSK security for all file accesses (the system administrator maps Windows Users to Guardian User IDs using the system administration program.)
  • Easy installation. No need to install any additional client software on individual workstations.
  • Printers attached to the NonStop Himalaya system can be used by Windows applications.
  • Printers attached to Windows systems can be used by NonStop Himalaya OSS application. This applies even if the printer is directly attached to the PC and does not have it's own TCP/IP address.

Software/OS pre-requisites

The Himalaya server must have OSS, TCP/IP, and a G06 NonStop Kernel Plug-and-play with the following PC Network clients running RFC-TCP/IP Network:

Windows XP, 2000 / 2003
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT
( even OS/2 and WfW )



+44 (0)1708 640 382


+46 (8) 5090 6100

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